DM2000 has a standard set of edit operations -
Copy/Paste/Cut/Delete/Select All/Undo and several additional commands. The
most important feature of edit commands is polymorphism - every command may be
applied to the different objects. Because DM2000 data
windows have two viewers - plot and worksheet, and main
window supports docking, several editable objects may coexist in the main
window frame and application must decide what object should be affected when
user performs some command. In DM2000, data viewer or docked window have input
focus (active, or focused control indicated by special icon in the status line
of the main window). While other commands are
available only for specific object, edit commands may be applied to anything,
but the result of the operation depends on the active object. So you should
activate object before editing (just click it with mouse or use TAB key).
The most of edit commands acts on the selected range of data
in the active control. If no data range selected (or clipboard has no
appropriate data) some commands may be disabled.
For worksheet, commands applied to the selected range of cells. See keyboard shortcuts how to select a range of cells.
For plot, the result depends on whether plot selection is visible or not
(use Plot Selector tool to select plot area). If
selection defined, only points within selected region will be affected,
otherwise all points in the current serie (for some commands serie must be
not empty).
If text editor is focused (Script or Notes windows),
these commands work as in any text processor.
For Minibrowser window, edit commands work
exactly as in regular browser.
In Serie Manager, edit commands act on the
current serie object.
Some specific features of the standard edit
commands briefly listed below:
Copy command for worksheets also copies "dummy" serie
object whose data range initialized with the worksheet selection. Plot
viewer allows you to select object to be copied: points (X,Y pairs),
worksheet lines (raw data, any expressions just ignored!), plot page as a
whole and current serie object. Special clipboard format used for cell
blocks and serie objects, although numeric data also copied in the plain
text format.
Paste command for worksheet viewer depends on the Ins/Owr flag
(this flag switched by Ins key when data window
is active and indicated in the status line of the main
window). Plot viewer supports only serie object pasting (like Serie
Manager). Both plot and worksheet prefer special binary TRealData format
to avoid parasitic rounding of numbers but can operate with simple text data.
Delete command just deletes selected data. Notice that since in DM2000
plot series cannot be deleted, Delete and
Cut operations in the Serie Manager only clear
current serie object. Cut command first calls Copy command, then
perform Delete. For plot viewer, these commands applied only to the data and
disabled if current serie is empty.
Undo command restores data modified by the last operation (or group
of similar operations if appropriate flag is set in the Application properties
dialog box). This command displays name of the last operation in
the status line of the main
window and also works with data processing
operations, although changes of single
plot points (made by plot
Eraser and Editor tools) or worksheet lines (made by in-place editor)
cannot be restored because Undo requires massive data copy operations. Keep
in mind that Undo command is not supported in the Serie Manager window.
Select All command is very simple: it selects all data range of the
active control (all cells for worksheet, whole plot area for plot, all text
or HTML document for editors and Minibrowser).
However, group operations on plot series are not supported,
thus in Serie Manager
window this command always disabled.
In addition to the standard edit commands, DM2000 provides several special
operations for editing data. Insert command inserts new lines into
worksheet from the selected position. This command
works only with worksheets. Swap Columns
command swaps X and Y columns in the selected range of the worksheet lines or in
the current plot serie. Sort command also acts on the worksheet cells and
current serie (operation affect whole lines, X column used as a reference for
sorting). These commands are disabled if no data available.
Since DM2000 operates with standard plain-text clipboard
format, you can easily transfer data to and from the another applications.
Numbers may be separated by spaces and tab stops (use Data Window tab of
the Application properties dialog box to
change this setting).