Data Master 2000 
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Notes window
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Data Master 2003
Denco Computing
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Notes Window

Notes window (displayed by Options|Notes command) is a simple text editor and may be used instead of standard Windows Notepad application. However, this window in DM2000 has several special functions:

  • Text in Notes window is remembered in desktop files, so you can save desktop file description and display this information in file property page dialog box (if you have properly installed MetaBase software).
  • The results of linear and NLSF fitting sessions may be saved in the Notes window.
  • You have full access to the contents of Notes window programmatically via IDMNotes interface (see Programmer's Guide for more details about programming in DM2000). This feature may be used for logging or debugging purposes, or just as a "console" window.

Notes window may be floating or docked into DM2000 main window. When floating, it has its own status line and toolbar with standard set of buttons. When Notes is docked, these controls are invisible and it uses toolbar and status line of the main window instead. For example, when Notes has input focus, edit commands from the main menu will act on the contents of this window. Keep in mind that File|Open command from the main menu always opens text files in the Notes.

Like any text editor control, under Windows 9.x Notes window can hold text file less than 64 kB in size (for NT/2000 file size is not limited).