DM2000 implements classic multi-document interface (MDI): you can open unlimited number of data windows framed by main window that presents DM2000 application itself. Main window includes standard components: customizable main menu and toolbar, MDI client area and a status line (see picture below).
User interface of the main window may be flexible configured according to the user preferences. Main toolbar consists of several groups of controls (panels, or "coolbands") that can be displayed and resized independently like in Windows shell folders. Moreover, main menu and toolbar panels may be configured: open Customize Toolbars dialog box (View|Toolbars|Customize), select Actions tab, then drag actions onto the selected toolbar panel or main menu. Additionally, main toolbar and status line may be invisible (use Application Properties dialog box).
Another convenient feature is dockable windows. You may dock Notes window, Script window, Minibrowser and Serie Manager into main window as shown on the screenshot. When these windows are docked, their toolbars and statusbars become invisible and they use controls of the main window instead. Thus, the result of operation invoked by the item of main menu or toolbar button, as well as information displayed in the status line, depends on the active (focused) control. To select control, just click it with mouse or use Tab key to move focus. Notice that some operations may be disabled if they are not applicable to the active control.