Keyboard Shortcuts
This page documents
"invisible" keyboard (and mouse) shortcuts used in DM2000.
Worksheet in-place editor shortcuts:
- Shift + Ins - add empty worksheet row above selected cell position
- Shift + Del - delete worksheet row at selected cell position
- Alt + Del - delete selected cell
- F2 (or just mouse click) - activate cell in-place editor
- When cell in-place editor is active, Shift + Ins paste data,
Ctrl + Ins copy.
Note: Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V hotkeys invoke edit commands!
Worksheet cell selection shortcuts:
- leftmost column ("fixed area") click - set selection start
- Shift + leftmost column click - set selection end
- Second row click - set X column (required for most operations)
- Shift + second row click - set Y column
- Second row double click - set X column and select all column cells
- First row double click - set column caption
Window shortcuts:
- Ctrl + Z, X, C, V, A, Del - edit commands (see menu!)
- Ins - change Insert / Overwrite mode flag state
- When configuring menu pressing "-" key adds separator
Plot shortcuts:
- Ctrl + worksheet scroller tool click also activate clicked series
- Alt + worksheet scroller set worksheet selection start, Alt + Shift - end
- Double click plot area invokes axis or active series properties dialog box
- Ruler tool: hold Alt key to rotate ruler
- View | Zoom tool: hold Shift key to enlarge, Alt + Shift to shrink
Digitizer and Base line Subtraction dialog boxes:
- When adding points, you may click RIGHT mouse button to DELETE points