DM2000 graphic engine implements several powerful visual operations referred
here as a "plot tools". By default, these tools grouped on the plot
toolbar of the main window and also available in the View and Edit menus and
plot viewer pop-up menu. Plot tools are not available if plot viewer is not
active, and mutually exclusive: when you select any tool, all other will be turned
Selector tool used to select rectangular plot area. Edit
commands and some operations may act on the
points inside the selected plot area. To hide plot selection, just select
other tool or click Selector again.
Point eraser tool should be used to delete separate curve points. This
feature is very convenient when you need to remove "bad" data
points from the file generated by measurement system. Click this tool and
then click unnecessary points.
Point editor tool implements visual graphic editor. Just click point and
drag it to the desirable position. Keep in mind that point editor unable to
move points if clicked serie (or any axis) has non-empty X or Y expressions: otherwise
this operation requires calculation of the inverse functions defined by
symbolic expression; this problem, in general, has no regular solution.
Worksheet scroller tool should be used to scroll worksheet referenced by
the clicked plot serie. This tool is convenient to limit serie data range
(first and last line). Besides, Worksheet scroller displays information
about clicked point in the status line of the main
Plot calculator tool allows you to evaluate expression defined in the Calculator
for the clicked plot point. Evaluation result also displayed in the status
line of the main window. Note that you may not
only click curve points but in addition evaluate expressions for any plot
coordinates (double click plot to invoke this feature).
Ruler tool extremely convenient to determine curve slope, or local
derivative value. Ruler may be moved (just press left mouse button and move mouse
pointer) and rotated (hold Alt key when moving horizontally). Appropriate
line equation displayed in the status line of the main
window. Plot data in the linearizing coordinates and use Ruler tool to
find curve parameters.
Translation tool (Edit|Translation, see screenshot below) is the most
interesting: like Point editor tool, it allows you to move the group of
points within selected plot region. Before using Translation tool you must
select desirable plot area with the Selector tool, then turn on Translation
mode (control handles appear at the bounds of the selection rectangle).
Click the selected rectangle and drag it to the new position (curve preview
will be displayed during this operation). Or click control handles and drag
them to resize selection and linearly move selected points.
Translation tool (like edit commands) acts only on
the points of active (current) serie. Because of the same reasons as for Point
editor tool, serie and axes expressions must be empty, otherwise translation will be