This operation allows to perform calculations on the data from different data
windows. Namely, for every line from the data range of the destination
worksheet this operation calculates value of Y column from source data range by the value of X column of the target data
range using linear
interpolation. This Y value from source data range assigned to the cy parameter
in the expression calculated for every line of the target data range. Other
parameters (a..z, cx) represent columns of the destination worksheet like in
Calculation operation. To produce continuous results, this operation sorts
target data range before calculations. If Ins/Owr flag (indicated in the
status line of the main window) set to
"Ins" state, this operation adds the result to the end of destination
worksheet line; otherwise, Y column will be
replaced by the result of calculation.
Click non-empty sourcedata window and
select Process|Copy Function command from the main menu. You will see
Select Source Data page of the Function Copy Wizard
window. If worksheet viewer was active in the data window,
data range is set to the selection of the worksheet viewer. If plot viewer
was active, source data range is set to the data range of the current plot
serie (it must be non-empty). Anyway you can easily change these values:
just click another data window or activate desirable viewer. When you click
wizard window again, data range will be properly updated.
Select target data range in the same way as described above: click
worksheet or plot of any data window and select current serie or cell range
in the worksheet, then click wizard window again. Note that plot series may
reference worksheets from any data window. You may go to the previous page
to view or change source data range.
The last step is to define expression (see expression
syntax for more information about available operators, functions and
parameters names). Keep in mind that unlike Calculation operation, cy
parameter represents value of Y(X) from the another (source) worksheet,
while other parameters have the same meaning. If you set expression to the
"cy", this operation will simply copy function from the
source window as in the earlier versions.
Use context-sensitive help (F1 key and [?] button) to get
additional information about controls.