Use this dialog box to define optional parameters of the NLSF fitter.
Convergence thresholds determine whether fitting iterations should be
stopped if parameters or Chi-square changes between iterations are less then
threshold values.
Maximal number of iterations determines how many Levenberg-Marquardt
iterations will be performed when user clicks "Fit" button.
Number of fit curve points defines how many intervals will has fit curve.
Increase this value if fit curve is not smooth enough.
Derivative delta is very important parameter. When you define expression
to be fitted as a simple string, NLSF fitter calculates derivatives
numerically, by parsing expression string to compute function values and
using this parameter as dX. In some cases incorrect values of dX may cause
arithmetic overflow or underflow, or another errors. Try to change this
parameter if fitter stops work with error messages.
Fitted curve may have weight. When X and Y columns are copied from serie
properties, column containing weight data should be selected from this list.
Notice that actual data copying will be performed when user clicks
"Fit" button.
Check "Update fit..." flag to animate fitting. Of course, your
computer must have sufficient video-output speed.
Also note that these parameters are global - they are saved as a part of
DM2000 configuration and affect all NLSF calls, made by both user interface and
OLE automation.